
There are so many great events taking place around the topic female* entrepreneurship and gender equality / diversity in general. We want to provide an overview of all these events and support the many great organizations who are making this possible. We also invite you to join the Female Founder Community on LinkedIn – a place for inspiration, exchange and support!

Do you also have an event that you would like to publish here? Scroll down & submit it.

07.05.2024 18:15 — 20:45

Girls Getting Started: Present yourself 🚀

Wie sage ich etwas, dass andere Menschen bewegt? Wie schaffe ich eine Spannung im Publikum, dass man eine Nadel fallen hört? Wie stehe ich hin und drücke meine Meinung aus, damit sie akzeptiert wird?

Am ersten GGS-Event des Jahres geben wir Dir wertvolle Werkzeuge mit, damit DU authentisch, überzeugend und ohne Nervosität vor Anderen sprechen kannst.

Speaker: Michael Wälti

Organised by: Girls Getting Started & Impact Hub Bern
Language: German
Cost: Free of charge
13.05.2024 09:00 — 11:30

The ppl.Kickstarter: People Matter Most (Workshop)

9 out of 10 startups fail. Most reasons link back to People & Culture.

In value-packed 2.5 hours, gain insights and learn Carolin's proven and practical holistic approach to shaping a team that is truly passionate, resilient, and high-performing, while staying laser-focused on your business needs and goals. Intentionally, build (or fix) your People & Culture baseline soon enough and empower your team to build a company that lasts.

Don't fail because of hidden gaps in your People & Culture management - be the 1 out of 10 to survive instead.

You get 10% OFF by booking through the link here at the Female Founder Community events page.

Organised by: The ppl.Kickstarter by 4di2 GmbH
Language: English
Cost: 149 net
24.05.2024 09:30 — 11:30

Workshop ‘Overcoming Commercial Pitfalls’ for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs often describe the same commercial pitfalls along their journey. The most cited commercial pitfalls range from struggling to reach and acquire (first) customers to identifying the product-market fit or building a profitable revenue model. I have experienced most of the commercial pitfalls as part of a startup (and also of larger companies) myself and repeatedly encounter them when consulting entrepreneurs.

I am happy to welcome you to this workshop, which will provide strategies for avoiding or overcoming the most common commercial pitfalls in a company's early stages.

Organised by: Cristina Ruiz de Castañeda , Founder of Blue Vega
Language: English
Cost: CHF50.-
24.05.2024 12:30 — 15:30

Cashflow spielen – fĂĽr ein unternehmerisches Money Mindset

Cashflow ist ein Brettspiel, welches Robert Kiyosaki, Autor von Rich Dad, Poor Dad, erfunden hat, um den Spielenden den Money Mindset von UnternehmerInnen und InvestorInnen zu lehren.

Ziel dieses Brettspiels ist:

- finanzielle Ăśberlegungen anzustellen die finanziellen Konsequenzen deiner Entscheidungen (und nicht-Entscheidungen) zu verstehen
- das Bewusst-werden deiner Gedanken vs. Handlungen, sobald du vor finanziellen Entscheidungen stehst
- du verschiedene Einnahmequellen kennenlernst
- und den Unterschied zwischen aktivem und passivem Einkommen verstehst
- das Verständnis erlangst welche 5 Optionen du immer mit Geld hast und welche 2 di

Organised by: Nadine Bdil von Inspireworks
Language: deutsch/englisch
Cost: 35,00 CHF
01.06.2024 09:00 — 18:00


The WOMEN'S HUB DAY ZURICH is designed to foster personal connections amongst the participating women so that you move beyond small talk right away, and foster meaningful engagements that will last long after the DAY itself.

During the day, four incredible women will share their personal journeys, deepest visions and dreams on stage - not the Instagram-version of their story, the real story - right when they are in the middle of it.

You will also participate in an INSPIRATION WORKSHOP and there will be several group activities that will allow you to connect with the other women way beyond regular networking.

Organised by: WOMEN'S HUB Zurich
Language: English
Cost: CHF 249

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